Wednesday, September 7, 2011

On Being Normal

I'm not really in favor of stability or normal-ness, so when I found myself the other day talking to Jack about my life I realized I was using the word "NORMAL" and was maybe a little shocked.  I may have achieved, thought he magic of pharmaceuticals and therapy, to NOT be an Fabulous Fucking Mess anymore.

For starters: I have a boyfriend.  He's a chemist with a house and two dogs.  He says "I love you" to me and everything.  This is an upgrade over what I had before: numerous nebulous relationships with interesting people who neither have achieved what is thought of as financial stability nor do they want to achieve anything resembling stability of any sort.  It is easy to see why I was single and confused. 

For seconds:  I am gainfully employed.  This is also an exciting prospect for me after living from hand-to-mouth in the Non-Profit Sector.  I sold out and went Corporate, something that not many Artistic Types have the chance to do.  It's hasn't had a negative effect on me and I view it to be quite an accomplishment.

There was something to be said for short spurts of insanity.  However, for those of us who have a special talent for absurd situations, the longer the situation extends itself the further we are pulled from our moorings because WE ARE SO GOOD AT BEING ABSURD!  I guess my point to Jack was that: it's sometimes nice to have moorings.  Moorings go with ALL of my shoes. 

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